My name is Beth Still and I am the wife of Kris Still, a Scotts Bluff County deputy sheriff. I have been married to Kris for nearly 19 years and during this time I have gotten to know quite a few of the deputies and their families. One of the deputies that I have gotten to know well is Ray Huffman. He and my husband work very closely together at the department and during the last 13 years we have come to think of Ray as family.
On September 22, Ray was working a part-time job as a patrol officer in Lyman, Nebraska. He came across a Rottweiler that had managed to escape from his kennel. There are two articles as well as a statement from the attorney who represents the Village of Lyman linked on the right side of this blog so I will not go into too much detail here. In a nutshell, Ray tried to get the dog to go back to his kennel. The dog lunged at him so he used pepper spray to subdue him. When the dog lunged at him again he shot the dog with his duty pistol. The shooting, while sad, was completely justified. Ray is kind, calm, and controlled. He is not the vicious monster that he has been made out to be.
Raul Ayala was the owner of the dog. Within hours of this incident, a Facebook group was set up to give people a place to lend support to the family. While there are some people on the site who have genuinely supported the family, there are many others who have used the site to promote their own agenda and personally attack Ray, other law enforcement officers and government officials. Most recently, a couple of people have harassed and attacked me on this Facebook group. They frequently accuse me of commenting on various sites using a variety of aliases.
This group of people continuously demand “justice” and make bold statements about having the right to speak their minds yet they are quick to bully and attack everyone that does not agree with them. The Newton family has been very outspoken on the Facebook group. It is evident that Tyler Newton is the driving force behind the group. Tyler and others have accused both Ray and another law enforcement officer of being “murderers.” They have gone after Ray with a vengeance, not because they care so much about the dog, but because they are hell-bent on getting revenge. They believe Ray murdered one of their family members back in 1997. The summary of the case is linked to the right of this post. Ray was never charged with anything and the case was dismissed from civil court twice. Ray was also never demoted to a desk job like they claim.
(There is a link to the video of the dog getting shot in the next paragraph. It is footage from surveillance cameras that was re-recorded on a cell phone. It contains language that is offensive.)
The "evidence" against Ray, when taken out of context, is quite damning at first glance. The owners of the dog released a video clip taken by one of eight (yes, eight) surveillance cameras at their home that they claim shows Ray shooting the dog multiple times as it was running away from him. However, if you watch the video very closely you will see that by the time the dog appears in the clip he has already been shot. Once Ray and the dog come into view Ray only fires one more shot. The owner of the dog provided the Star-Herald a copy of the necropsy which stated, “Wounds were in the upper left front leg, right pectoral area, two wounds were in the thorax and one wound, caused by a "bullet trail" was present on the right cheek.” This report is consistent with Ray’s version of the incident. The family and their "spokesperson" claim that video taken from a different angle proves that Ray murdered their dog. I think the video, if any other footage exists at all, will show an aggressive dog lunging at Ray and how he had to use deadly force to protect himself.
A few closing thoughts......
- There is no “dog catcher” in Lyman. As is the case in many small towns, the police officers are responsible for animal control.
- Ray turned in the report of this incident prior to the end of his shift on September 22. The police are not required to turn over ANY report with the exception of accident reports. A representative from Ayala’s legal team will have to make that request.
- So many people have accused Ray of getting rid of “crime scene evidence” because he hosed the blood off the patio. What evidence could possibly have been gained from the blood? He never tried to hide what happened. He was trying to save the family the pain of having to see the blood. The body of the dog was placed in the yard just feet away from where he died.
- Police officers must make decisions in the blink of an eye. It is very easy to criticize them and say what they should have done differently when you are sitting in the comfort of your living room.
- Look at the facts before making a judgement call. Ayala was given one week after filing a complaint with the Village of Lyman to provide evidence that Ray committed a crime. Nothing was provided so there was no investigation because there was nothing to investigate. You can’t cry foul and say there is a cover-up if YOU are the one withholding evidence that you claim proves Ray murdered your dog in cold blood!
This blog is our place where we can support Ray and other law enforcement officers. Please feel free to leave positive comments for these wonderful people who put their lives on the line each day to protect and serve us. I have the blog set to accept anonymous comments so you can protect your identity if you need to do so. All you need to do to leave a comment is click the button below that says comments. Select "Anonoymous" from the dropdown menu.
THANK YOU to each one of you who works so hard to make western Nebraska a safe place to live.
ReplyDeletethank you for this very well written post! I do appreciate all your efforts in taking a stand for what is right! It makes me sick to my stomach to read the posts on the Facebook page and it sickens me to see them slandering Ray and Jeff by spreading lies, rumors, false accusations and threats to harm law enforcement officers.
I do appreciate your efforts in bringing the truth to light and I feel for all the "heat" your are getting from the so called supporters of Mr. Ayala. They have crossed a line from being supporters to being a threat to all local law enforcement officers and even our families.
I do follow the facebook page as you know and it sickened me when I saw that they even drug your daughter into this ordeal by posting where she works. It is bad enough that we as cops have to watch our back at all times but over the years that has become second nature for us but for crying out loud, leave our families alone!!!
All I can say about the incident with the dog is that I do believe that Ray did what EVERY law enforcement officer in his situation would have done. In my opinion the fault lies with Mr. Ayala for not securing his dog, which ultimately lead to the point where Ray had to attempt to secure the dog, causing the dog to attack and forcing Ray to shoot it.
Regarding the attacks on Ray's and Jeff's character, I would like people to know that both of these guys are great persons, friends, fathers and hard working cops. Don't believe the lies these people spread about them and don't judge them until you walk a mile in their shoes! I have personally known both of them for the past ten years and I have nothing but respect for them!
My comment to the Newton family is: Get off your revenge trip and stop abusing Mr. Ayala as your public forum to spread your lies about these two officers! For the Newton's this has never been about Mr. Ayala or his dog and I think they don't give a damn about what happened to the dog. All they want is people's attention in getting "justice" for their relative by any means. Guess what, the courts determined in criminal and civil procedings that the shooting was justified, so I guess justice was done (not their type of justice) after the court proceedings were closed.
I did not know Ray at the time the shooting took place but have read the court file (which is public record) and the court(s) and the grand jury has determined that the shooting was done in self defense after Ray was attacked by Newton. As I read the court file I tried to think what I would have done and I played the scenario in my head and I would have acted the same way.
I'm now getting off my soap box but would like to once again remind people that there are always two sides to each story and that all facts need to be considered before an opinion should be formed. If you consider ALL the facts in this case you will come to the conclusion that the side presented by Mr. Ayala is not even close to what happened that day.
In closing I would like to remind people that we are cops, you may hate us and spread lies about us but in time when you are unable to deal with situations, you still call upon us to do a job you would never be able to do and guess what, we know that you hate us and would like to see us fired or even wear toe tags but we still have to repond to your cries for help and treat you with dignity and respect. Do you respect us??? We know you don't!!! It is obvious by your comments that you don't care if we live of die but we are still the ones that would lay or lifes down in a heartbeat to protect you from harm! You call us cowards that hide behind our badge but in reality you are the weak that hide behind our badge when evil knocks on your door and you call upon us to protect you!
Again, thank you Beth for stepping up and doing the right thing!
I have known many of the Law Enforcement Officers in our community and have known Ray for quite a while. He is an outstanding Deputy and is a man of integrity. Thank you Mrs. Still for your courage to share the truth. I am lifting all LE families up in prayer as GOD has ordained all who serve and protect our community. Chaplain Mike Blue, Major IFOC.
ReplyDeleteI have had the honor of working with Ray Huffman, Jeff, and many other Law Enforcement Officers for several years now. I have read many posts on social media recently about how corrupt and dishonest they are even some wishing them dead. Yet I do not see these accusers leaving their families each and every day gun and badge in hand not knowing if they will return home at night because of some dirt bag. But these men and women who choose to be deputies and officers do not worry about that. They know they have a job to do and they do it with pride putting others way before themselves. More people need to be thanking these men not judgeing them. To Mr. Ayala and his "supporters" I ask you this...if someone's vicious animal attacked you...would you not react in the same way Ray did? Protecting yourself or maybe a friend or family member? Perhaps you should put yourself in his shoes rather then passing judgement!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Beth for giving people the opportunity to speak out in support of our officers. To seldom do they ever hear a THANK YOU!
My name is Kris Still and as most of you will figure out, I am married the amazing woman who has written this blog post in support of Ray, Jeff, the Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Department, and Law Enforcement in general. Beth is a teacher who is well respected in her field. She had presented on educational topics at local, state, and international levels. She is known all over the world amongst educators who are considered to leaders in their fields. Beth is truly one of the most intelligent and hard working people I have ever seen. She is also a teacher who is truly making a difference to many of our area high school students who need another or different way of learning in order to graduate. Beth should not ever be torn apart through lies or threats because she stands up for what she knows is right. In this case, Beth knows that Ray Huffman’s actions on September 22nd were justified.
ReplyDeleteI have been in Law Enforcement for almost 19 years. The last 13 years have been with the Scotts Bluff County Sheriff's Department. I have had the privilege of knowing Ray for my entire 19 year career. During this time, Ray has become a very close friend who is like a part of our family. He is one of the most honest and trustworthy people I know. Therefore, I can speak with certainty when I say that Ray was justified in his actions when he was forced to shoot a dangerous animal in Lyman, Nebraska on September 22nd.
Part 2
ReplyDeleteSince September 22nd, I have watched as a certain group of people have tried to tear down Ray, Jeff Chitwood, and the Scotts Bluff County Sheriff's Department. To make matters worse, these misinformed and spiteful people are now trying to bring our family members into it by spreading complete lies. Now remember that this coming from a group of people who have decided they are better, smarter, and more informed than anyone else. A group of people who are supposedly there only to provide support for the Ayala family and a dog.
I have been following the activity on the Justice For Bos Facebook page and a majority of the posts that I have read are there because these followers have a great distaste for Law Enforcement in general. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that many of these people have had run-ins with the law at one time or another. One of the members is even wanted on a Scotts Bluff County Arrest Warrant. This member is calling for justice in this case, yet he is hiding somewhere outside of our jurisdiction rather take responsibility for his actions.
To look into things even deeper, I have found that the Newton family has been able to manipulate this Face Book page into a place for them to try to get revenge on Ray. This goes back to a 1997 incident where Deputy Ray Huffman was involved in a shooting where Wesley Dunn (relative of the Newton family) was killed. The Newton family tried to sue Ray on two separate occasions for wrongful death and failed on each occasion. The courts sided with Ray and the Sheriff's Department both times. So, I guess that since the Newton clan was unable to win a judgement, they can now continue to attack and spread lies about an honest and good man.
Another of the followers on this page is Jennifer Lee Barton Meisner. I guess she feels that she is an educated person whose opinions matter more because she used to be married to the former Eagles rock band member, Randy Meisner. In her posts, Meisner touts herself as being someone who has a lot of clout within our community. I guess you can say that she thinks she is a legend in her own mind. However, if you ask most respectable people within our community, they describe her as a person who has very little or no credibility. This is proven by her actions towards anyone who has supported Ray, Jeff, or Law Enforcement in this incident. I know this because Jennifer Lee Barton Meisner contacted Beth’s employer, to complain that Beth is unfit to teach. She also notified the nearly 13,000 followers on the Justice For Bos Facebook Page as to where our teenage daughter is employed. This action in and of itself is truly shows Meisner’s true character. What kind of person tries to bring children into a situation like this. I really don’t think our daughter asked for any of this to happen to her. For this, I think Jennifer Lee Barton Meisner needs to be called on for her shameful behavior.
Part 3
ReplyDeleteIn my 19 year career, I have learned that most people do not want to see or hear from Law Enforcement Officers unless they are the victims. Once they become the victim, we (law enforcement) can not respond fast enough, act fast enough, or solve a case fast enough. They believe that everything is just like what they see on television where cases are solved in 40 minutes or less. These same people believe that all law enforcement or government officials are acting together in one big conspiracy. This type of behavior holds true in this case. The Ayalas and the Newtons are crying about not getting a police report. What they don't realize is that Law Enforcement Agencies do not turn over police reports to the general public. This is only done if there are agreements between the attorneys from both sides, or if there is court order that is obtained by one side to have the reports released to them. Because they are unable or unwilling to comprehend this, they assume that Ray and the Lyman Police Department are waiting until they see the video evidence to type a police report. I know for a fact that this police report was completed by Ray before the end of his shift on September 22nd. Ray has nothing to hide and all of the facts are properly documented within his report.
I admire Beth for posting this Blog post. Beth did this because she believes in Ray, Jeff, the Scotts Bluff County Sheriff's Department, the outstanding officers that this County and State is lucky to have, and her family.
I encourage all of you who reads or follows this blog to write your own comment so you can provide support to Ray, Jeff, and Law Enforcement in general. The job that we do and the life that we lead on a daily basis to protect and serve is not an easy one. Sometimes a pat on the back to those who are being wrongfully accused is needed.
I don't know the officer discussed here but I do know that, all around the country, police officers have very difficult jobs and need to make difficult decisions on a daily basis. I cannot imagine how anyone could assume anything other than Officer Huffman was doing his job. And the fact that people who don't know for sure, who weren't there, and who have no knowledge of the people involved, could accuse someone of such atrocities. Beth, you are an inspiration. I have a poster in my room reminding children to " Stand up for what is right, even if you have to stand alone." and while it might seem like, in your little corner of the world, you are alone, please know that there are people who are standing with you!
ReplyDeleteLets see the rest of the video if there is such a thing. If that dog had responsible owners it would have been in its kennel. It is the dog owners fault the dog is dead.
ReplyDeleteBeth, this blog is very tasteful and well written. As mentioned before, law enforcement officers have to make split second decisions while the rest of the world can sit around days/weeks/months later and come up with a perfect solution. That's not how it should work. There is so much hatred towards law enforcement until they need help, and then we don't respond fast enough. As for this situation in particular, Ray Huffman is one of the most honest people I have ever met and he does not deserve this treatment by the community in which he has served for so long. I can also say that I wouldve reacted in the same way he did. As for bringing up the shooting, I feel this is wrong. First, he was found justified in his actions. Second, let it go! It's not fair to continue bringing this up and causing him to relive that moment. Respect for law enforcement seems so diminished. The worst part is the disrespect that stems from lies. Do your own research and don't believe everything you see on facebook. In closing, as cops, we know we are hated but our families should not be targeted because of the career we chose for ourselves.
ReplyDeleteBeth, thank you for this well written blog. It contains a lot of information that some mis-informed individuals should read. I am a fairly new member of the Law Enforcement family and found it very difficult to read the Facebook posts and hate remarks from people within my community. People whom I have to help in my career and I know who they are and what they represent and I still must maintain my dignity and treat each individual with respect. It is very difficult to read the lies cast upon Huffman, Chitwood and even your family. These officers walk away from their families every night not knowing if they will return from thier shift. It could be by gunfire or dog attack, they put their lives on the line to protect our community. The hate messages come from non productive members of society who feel they didn't get fair treatment from our officers. Our officers didn't let them get away with selling dope, or driving under the influence or beating their wives, or abusing their children, or driving on a suspended liscence....therefore they are cast as dirty cops. But those cops put Jeffrey Hessler away for murdering local Gering girl, carried an 18 month old baby out of a crack house, responded to the elderly woman who was killed by the train in Gering. These men (and women) have witnessed things you and I could only imagine. They have been called every name under the sun, put in to positions that no human should ever have to endure. To be crucified by the public through social media by people who don't even know these individuals is sad and doesn't say much for the human race. We should all stand behind our law enforcement. If it wasn't for our men in blue (and brown)...this would be a terrible place to live. I commend you for standing up and voicing your opinion. Thank you for giving us an outlet to share our feelings on this incident without being called "ignorant" and "uneducated" for expressing our opinions.
ReplyDeleteThis is the problem with being an dedicate your life to help others and idiots like this are the ones you keep running into and making your life miserable. Just know there are more people out there who are thankful for what you do than idiots like this that oppose it. Also I have 3 dogs that would never harm a sole there is not place for mean dogs in my opinion and you probably save a child from being killed because these asshats coudln't keep it locked up or train it to be nice!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that this deputy did anything that was unnecessary. There are a lot of people out there that need to open their eyes and realize there are things they do that they don't necessarily want to do but need to do. It's a part of their job and keeping everyone else safe.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say that we are very lucky to have such wonderful and professional law enforcement officers in Scotts Bluff County as well as the State Of Nebraska. Stand behind them and remember that they are the people who are looking out for us. I encourage people to take a minute and thank one of the many fine Officers in the jurisdiction you live in. They deserve it!
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful that so many people are voicing their support for the officer in this case. It would be even more wonderful if that officer had the support of people who were willing to stand behind their words rather than hiding behind the veil of anonymity. True support includes taking a stand together as a community...